
A malicious Software , or a malware is a program or a software identified by it's malicious intention.
All the cyber attacks done deliberately are malicious and hence come under malwares.
You must have heard of trojans, viruses, spywares e.t.c. all these, including rasomwares come under malwares.
however, every threat faced by the devices and data, over the internet, might not be malwares.
How is a malware profitable? The prominenet answer is ,Data. The humongous amounts of data stolen from individuals, may be profitable either directly, like passwords, or indirectly, like your preferences, which could be sold. However, this conversion of data to money is quite time-consuming, and sometimes not worth the effort (for the hackers). Hence, a new way of earning easy money spread across the hackers; in which they just demand the money from the victims itself, in return of the safety and prevention of misuse of their precious data. this type of malwares are ransomwares.

Ransomware is a classifcation/variation of a Malware. Standard def. :" Ransomware is a Malicious software that locks a device, such as a computer, toblet of smartphone and then demands a ransom to unlock it."
Once the software is illegally installed in your system (which is done by a spam email, or some other invisible links), it exploits the ownership, and can claim rights in your local network. So, not just your PC, but also the devices in your network can be effected. After that, the code executes which makes your duplicates your data, and perhaps ever destroys the copy in your device; and locks all control to the device. Then, it demands a ransom in virtual currency to regain your rights.
You understand that a ransomware is a software created so as to attack and demand a ransom.
WannaCry, the deadliest cyberattack of recent times, was a ransomware.

The transactions invoked by ransomwares involve cryptocurrency called bitcoins. These transactions are impossible to track, since it only involves the 2 participants of the transaction; and can easily be converted to any other currency. Due to this, the bitcoin transactions grew at an alarming rate in the past few years, as shown in the graph.

Some prominent malware attack which got a global spread, hence a global recognition:
 WannaCry was a cyber ransomware attack which happened on may 2017.
To understant whatexactly it is, you first need to know what a ransomware is.
learn about spywares, malwares and ransomwares here.
WannayCry was one of the most deadliest cyberattacks ever. More than 2 million computers from  150 countries were attacked.

The WannaCry virus was programmed to be downloaded onto the victim's virus via any URL or such thing on the Internet. Then, every program of the victim's PC was locked, which left only the WannaCry program, and an instruction file on the screen; which demanded some payment in order to unlock the victim's PC and send the data back successfully, without any exploits.
This kind of behavior is typical for a ransomware attack.
Marcus Hutchins,Image result for wannacry
A young cyber expert managed to stop the spread of the attack by accidentally triggering a "kill switch" when he bought a web domain for less than £10. you can read the complete story here.

The important thing to remember is that WannaCry and Petya were, in actuality, easily preventable.
 Victims of these attacks were only victims because they failed to conduct basic software patching
Having readily available data backups is the best way to maintain business continuity in the face of an attack.


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