Deep Web, Dark Web.

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What is the (surface) web?

Ever felt the eerie feeling of a possibility of something is happening just where you are looking at on the web, but can never really understand what it is?

Ever thought of how, in this modern world, can the illegal transactions be successful, with all the intelligence and surveillance?

What is deep web?
What is dark web?
How is this done?

Find all the answers here. Read the complete article. We guarantee you that you will feel no regret once you have finished.

Let us start at a basic question,
What is the difference between Internet and web?

  • The Internet is a simply a vast network of networks. It is a way of communication; and any 2 devices connected on the Internet can communicate.
  • Web (World Wide Web), however, is an information system. It is one of the most widely used tools to access information though the internet. Web, along with HTTP protocol , represents the transaction and sharing of the information. Web is more related to the data, rather than the connectivity, The data, is present in certain "web pages" which we access from a browser.
  • Let me make it simpler. If you buy a device, and connect it to the internet, the Internet expands. If you create a website and host it, WWW increases.
  • Web is a part of the Internet.
       Remember this. WWW might be one of the most widely used, but it is not the only one. Check out the Internet Protocol Suite to learn more. The data transfer over the Internet happens Through some mechanisms, And one of them is WWW.
    quick  question. can you see what is written in an email by putting it in a search engine?
    no. Because, even though emails are a part of the Internet, they do not use the WWW , or the HTTP protocol.

 Another question:
 How do you think a search engine works?
When some kind of data is uploaded onto the Internet, it usually comes with some "tags". These tags define the data. For example, When you upload a picture of your dog, you might add tags like 'dog', 'pet','cute','animal' e.t.c.
 A Search Engine is something which makes use of those tags, and compares them against the text a person has  entered in  the Search text field, and provides the most relevant, and the most popular Data.
Read about "web crawlers" or "web spiders" here to learn more. Also read about SEO-"Search engine optimisation". This deals with how you enter the input in a search engine to get the best results.

Now, as a typical user of the search engines, you can understand that those tags play a major role in searching for something you want. A search engine cannot know about the data just like that. It needs some text to describe the data for it.

When you have searched for something, you are giving the search engine , key tags to match.This is called the surface web. i.e, something you can surf on.
Now, the question arises, which marks the essence of this article; What if some data doesn't have the tags?

Try to guess it before you continue reading.

Then no search engine can know about that data. Yes, it means the data is 'hidden' inside the web. This is called the deep web. Let us be clear on this topic before we move on.
Consider, a website with url : "" has a video of a puppy, with proper tags, (discussed above). Another website, "" has the same video, but with no tags. When you search in a search engine, it might be clear to you by now, that the video from sample1 will turn up, but from sample2 won't. However, The video in sample2 isn't restricted/impossible to find. if you (an end user) know the ur "", then you can visit the website directly and see the video.
The only difference is that, the search engines know about the first one, but not about the 2nd.

The 2nd video, is a part of the "deep web".

Although this lack of tags might happen accidentally, There are many time in which data is intentionally uploaded without the tags. what's the advantage? Think before you continue.

There might be things which private individuals are not supposed to know, for reasons such as security. Some data is restricted only to "authorised personnel". Now, obviously such kind of data needs to be there on the web, for communication between the specific individuals. What do they do then? they hide it. the data will obviously have a URL, but they add a login, with a password. hence, the data is secured and search engines cannot track them.

The dark web is much more than what you think. If you are a keen surfer on the Internet, you can realise that it is everywhere.
There is a small game you can play with search engines. open a website(typically the one you think might have secrets) through the search engine, and just crawl through all the links which you can see. Write them down if you like, and try to form a complete picture. If you do this couple of times and with precision, you will understand that you can never get the complete information directly, Why? deep web content.
There may be many examples of deep web content. some of them are listed on the picture. you can search for more stuff.

Now, the dark web. Hold on to your horses, since it's about to get interesting.
 What if you can make some part of the web in such a way that only you and your friends can know it's existence? NO, i am not talking about simply hiding the data.  I am talking about owning a piece of the Internet itself.
Coming back to the question asked at the starting, do you know a way in which smugglers and traffickers make successful international deals despite of all the effort by the government? The dark web answers these questions.

Wikipedia defined dark web as- "The world wide web content that exists on darknets, overlay networks which use the public Internet but require specific software, configurations or authorisation to access.".
To understand dark web, you have to understand the difference between A search engine and a browser.
 Search engine, as you already know, is a tool use to gather the information in the web. A browser, however, like chrome or firefox is used to browse, or pursuit in the web.
Now, dark web is something which is invisible even for a browser. The dark web has many sites (many URLs) in it, but it is as if they are not there for a browser. These dark web pages are connected with something more than just the Internet. In most of the cases, they come under the TOR network.

The TOR network, or the anonymity network is a software use to enable secret communication, that is, the dark web. This software is created in such a way that no device which doesn't have this connection can ever know about the data transfer which happens among the devices which possess this software. This is done by implementation of several encryption algorithms. The websites in dark web can only be accessed if your device has TOR connection.
 Think of the direct implications of nobody, not even the government can check what happens inside the dark web. Yes, nothing works the way you imagine it would, A Dark website can make you download viruses, execute them, it could read all your personal data without your permission, it can even open any camera connected to your device, take your picture and upload it somewhere.
I cannot explain you about the dark web completely, since I never used it in the first place. However, i can tell you this, There are hundreds of hackers making illegal deals in the darkweb, and no one can ever know even about their existence.

The dark web is a place where most of the drug trafficking, smuggling, and illegal things like, cannibalism, child pornography are entertained and promoted.Drug trafficking marks the highest percentage of the dark web.

This picture is a screenshot of a weapon
 smuggling dark website.
As you can see, people can buy arsenal and nobody can ever track the transaction.

The silk road was a famous dark website for drug trafficking. It was the first darknet website which was used as a market. Ross willian ulbritcht, under the alias "dread pirate roberts" launched it in feb, 2011. It was tracked down by the FBI, and he was arrested. Read more about the silk road here.

Surfing the dark web might be an interesting experience, but I strongly suggest you not to install TOR on your PC. This is not illegal, but it is like you are inviting hackers to a feast of your personal information. However, if you are sure there is no personal data, you may install it; however, be careful about things such as your camera. put a tape over it so that others will not peek in.
you can install TOR from here.
The FBI and Several agencies are working on the dark web and anonymity network, because that is the one place where anything might happen.

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