
Showing posts from October, 2017


A malicious Software , or a malware is a program or a software identified by it's malicious intention. All the cyber attacks done deliberately are malicious and hence come under malwares. You must have heard of trojans, viruses, spywares e.t.c. all these, including rasomwares come under malwares. however, every threat faced by the devices and data, over the internet, might not be malwares. How is a malware profitable? The prominenet answer is ,Data. The humongous amounts of data stolen from individuals, may be profitable either directly, like passwords, or indirectly, like your preferences, which could be sold. However, this conversion of data to money is quite time-consuming, and sometimes not worth the effort (for the hackers). Hence, a new way of earning easy money spread across the hackers; in which they just demand the money from the victims itself, in return of the safety and prevention of misuse of their precious data. this type of malwares are ransomwares. Ransomware...

Network Threats

Although we use the word threat for anything problematic over the network, it is actually a mixture of three individual terms, 'vulnerability', 'Threat' and 'attack'; in increasing order of the problem they pose.The differences between these terms are subtle, and are also intersecting. Let's start defining the terms.  A Vulnerability as a computer term is not much different from the general meaning.A vulnerability is basically a weakness. As quoted in wikipedia, Vulnerability is the intersection of three elements: a system susceptibility or flaw, attacker access to the flaw, and attacker capability to exploit the flaw. Vulnerabilities are quite common in the cyber world. With millions of people developing tremendous amounts of programs, It is fair to assume that a vulnerability exists somewhere in the code. Think about it. The operating system of your PC itself has millions of lines of code. That is obviously not written by a single person/software. e...